MicroStrategy ONE

Overview of customizing authentication

Authentication for MicroStrategy Library is based on the Spring Security Framework. To customize authentication, you modify the XML configuration files that define the Spring Security beans used by MicroStrategy Library for authentication and authorization. The specific configuration files that need to be customized depend on how authentication is configured for the application—whether one or multiple authentication modes are supported and which specific authentication modes are enabled. The MicroStrategy Authentication Module uses Spring Security beans to implement different authentication modes supported by MicroStrategy applications. Depending on the complexity of a customization, you may need to sub-class one or more of these beans.

For more details, refer to the Spring Framework Reference and Spring Security Reference.

Topics in the following sections provide diagrams and workflows for different login request scenarios and a description of the configuration files and bean classes commonly used in customizations.

  • Authentication workflows

    Provides diagrams and workflows that illustrate how different authentication-related requests are handled, based on the specific authentication modes that are enabled and whether the application is configured to support a single authentication mode or multiple authentication modes.

  • Configuration files and bean classes

    Describes the XML configuration files and Java bean classes commonly used to customize authentication based on the Spring Security Framework.