Deeplink API Guide

Deeplink is another way to integrate with Usher. For example, you can pass QR code to let Usher app authenticate. Usher SDK supports the following Deeplinks. When you use deeplinks for your app, make sure use your own URL scheme.

Server Configuration

Use this to configure Usher with the server. The surl value can be found in your Usher Server’s configuration page.



URL Action: cs


Parameter Value
surl Server configuration URL.

Badge Recovery

Once you have the badge recovery code, you can use this URL to recovery badges.



URL Action: rb


Parameter Value
code The badge recovery code generated by the server. It expires if a new code is generated
badge_count The badge count, not used by client
surl Server configuration URL. If it is provided, client will switch to this server.

Badge Invitation

Badge invitation code is sent by Network Administrator.



URL Action: ab

Parameter Value
code The badge recovery code generated by the server. It expires if a new code is generated
surl Server configuration URL. If it is provided, the client will switch to this server.

Add Organization Badge

If your network is AD-enabled, this is the static URL that can be used to add user’s badge. Login and password will be required to install the badge.



URL Action: ao

Parameter Value
org_id The organization id.
org_name The organization name. It is only used for displaying purposes.

Mobile App SSO & Mobile Web SSO

This link is used for login into the Usherized website or application on the mobile device.



URL Action: authorize

Parameter Value
qr The QR Code.
client_id The client id.
redirect Whether to redirect.
redirect_uri The uri to redirect.