MicroStrategy ONE

Web SDK References

This section provides access to all the references provided with the Web SDK.

The contents of this section are not intended to provide a complete explanation of or guidance on when to use the material contained in a particular Reference. To learn how, why, and when to perform certain types of customizations, consult the Customizing MicroStrategy Web section.

Before you begin making changes, read the Best practices for customizing Web products. This section contains guidelines on simplifying your work to easily test and maintain your customizations now and when upgrading to future releases. Read this before you begin customization efforts.

A brief description of each reference follows:

  • API Reference

    Complete and comprehensive "JavaDoc" style reference to all API classes and interfaces included with the Web API and MicroStrategy Web products. 

  • Event Handlers Reference

    Comprehensive list of all event handlers. For each event handler, the names and IDs of all events and arguments are provided, as well as descriptions and whether or not each is required. 

  • Layout Definition Elements Reference

    Complete list of available elements in a layout definition file. In many cases, the use of an element implies that a method exists in the transform or bean with a particular signature. This reference provides information about the existence of such methods. 

  • MicroStrategy Custom Tags Reference

    Comprehensive list of all MicroStrategy custom HTML tags that are or can be used in JSP and ASP .NET files without the need to write code. 

  • Ribbons, Toolbars and Menus Reference

    Comprehensive list of all ribbons along with the toolbars and menus used by them. 

  • Transform Parameters Reference

    Comprehensive list of all transforms and their parameters provided with the application, with descriptions. The list of transforms is categorized by the type of bean to which each transform applies. 

  • Troubleshooting Reference

    Provides troubleshooting tips for how to handle an unexpected issue when the standard error handling and debugging procedures do not completely resolve the issue.