MicroStrategy ONE

Build a Plug-In for a Widget Properties Editor in iOS

You use the Web Customization Editor in Eclipse to create the plug-in for a custom widget properties editor. Once you have created a custom transform and/or a custom layout definition file, follow the steps below to build the plug-in.

  1. Launch the Web Customization Editor.

    The Web Customization Editor is discussed in detail in the Web SDK section of the MSDL under Customizing MicroStrategy Web -> Part I: Fundamentals of Customization -> Web Customization Editor.

  2. Create a new plug-in and give it a meaningful name—for example, CustomVisualizationPropertiesEditor.

  3. Expand MicroStrategy Web Configuration inside the Application Settings view.  

  4. Create a new style for the custom widget properties editor.  

    1. Right-mouse-click Styles and select New Style to launch the Style Creation Wizard.  

    2. On the Style Creation Wizard, perform the following steps:  

      1. On the first panel of the wizard, do the following:  
      2. On the second panel of the wizard, click Next. (Do not select any transform parameters.)
      3. On the third panel of the wizard, do the following:

        • Click ... next to the Layout Definition text box. 
        • Navigate to the custom layout definition file that you created and click Open.

        • Enter the path to the custom layout definition file in the Layout Definition text field.

        • Click Next.
      4. On the last panel of the wizard, review the choices you have made. Click Back if you need to make changes. Otherwise, click Finish.

    Now that you have built your plug-in, you are ready to add the properties editor to the custom widget for which you created it.