MicroStrategy ONE

Bundle Images Into the Image Cache

You can bundle images with your MicroStrategy Mobile application during compilation. This can save time and improve the user experience when network connections are slow.

To bundle images into the image cache: 

  1. Open the MicroStrategyMobile project in Android Studio. 

  2. Navigate to the app -> src -> main -> res -> values folder. 

  3. Create an XML file called bools.xml under the values folder with the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>


      <bool name="use_sdk_bundle_image">true</bool>


    Save bools.xml.

  4. Navigate to the app -> src -> main -> res folder and copy the images you want to bundle under the drawable-* folders (for different screen densities).

    1. To get the best graphical quality and performance on all screen resolutions, provide a different image for each of the generalized density buckets: mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, and xxhdpi. For help in creating your image files, refer to Google's best practices for generating images for different densities.
    2. The name of the image used in document design should be the same as the name of the image saved in the drawable-* folder.

      The names of images in the drawable-* folders must contain only lowercase a-z, 0-9, or _. Each image must have a unique name; images with the same name but different types are not allowed.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Compile the application and deploy it to your users.