MicroStrategy ONE

Customizing authentication for MicroStrategy Library

Authentication for MicroStrategy Library relies on the Spring Security Framework. The Spring Framework provides a flexible mechanism for assembling applications from reusable components called beans. The assembly is defined via XML configuration files that define the beans used in the application and the interconnections between them. The Spring Security Framework provides a comprehensive set of reusable beans for implementing application security—specifically requests for authentication and authorization. The MicroStrategy Authentication Module uses Spring Security beans to implement the different authentication modes supported by MicroStrategy Library.

For more details, refer to the Spring Framework Reference and Spring Security Reference.

Topics in the following sections provide a high-level explanation of Spring Security, an overview of customizing authentication for MicroStrategy Library, and examples of some common authentication customizations.

  • Overview of Spring Security

    Describes the Spring Security architecture, the bean definitions in Spring configuration files, and how these are used to customize authentication for MicroStrategy Library.

  • Overview of customizing authentication

    Provides diagrams and workflows for different authentication-related requests and a description of the configuration files and bean classes commonly used in customizations.

  • Common authentication customizations

    Describes several common authentication customization scenarios and provides sample files to help you get started.

    Customizing authentication in MicroStrategy Library is similar to customizing authentication in MicroStrategy Web. In both cases, you create a custom bean to replace an out-of-the-box bean and configure MicroStrategy to use the custom bean at runtime. However, the architecture, including the beans and configuration files, in the two products is different. This means that you cannot use an External Security Module (ESM) that you created for MicroStrategy Web to customize authentication in Library. You can achieve the same result, but you must create a separate customization.