Interface WebStandardLoginInfo

  • public interface WebStandardLoginInfo
    This interface represents the settings related to the standard login method which can be set on a user. This interface is obtained from the WebUser interface, and can be used to read and write those settings related to standard authentication on a user or group object.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
    • Method Detail

      • setPassword

        void setPassword​(java.lang.String p)
        This method sets the password on the user account. Note that it cannot be read from this interface, for security reasons.
        password - The user's new password.
      • isPasswordModifiable

        boolean isPasswordModifiable()
        Returns whether the password is modifiable by the user.
        True if the password is modifiable, false otherwise.
      • setPasswordModifiable

        void setPasswordModifiable​(boolean isModifiable)
        Sets whether the user is allowed to modify his/her own password.
        isModifiable - True if the user's password should be modifiable, false otherwise.
      • getPasswordExpiresAutomatically

        boolean getPasswordExpiresAutomatically()
        Returns whether the password is currently set to expire automatically.
        True if the password is currently set to expire automatically, false otherwise.
      • setPasswordExpiresAutomatically

        void setPasswordExpiresAutomatically​(boolean expires)
        Sets the password to expire automatically at either a given date or a given frequency.
        expires - Whether the password is set to expire automatically.
      • getPasswordExpirationDate

        java.util.Date getPasswordExpirationDate()
        Returns the password expiration date set for the user.
        The current setting of the password expiration date for the user.
      • setPasswordExpirationDate

        void setPasswordExpirationDate​(java.util.Date date)
        Sets the password expiration date for the user.
        date - The new password expiration date to set for the user.
      • getRequiresNewPassword

        boolean getRequiresNewPassword()
        Returns whether the user is required to set a new password upon the next login.
        Whether the user must change password upon the next login.
      • setRequiresNewPassword

        void setRequiresNewPassword​(boolean val)
        Sets whether the user is required to set a new password upon the next login.
        val - The new setting for whether the user must set a new password upon the next login.
      • getPasswordExpirationFrequency

        int getPasswordExpirationFrequency()
        Returns the current setting for the password expiration frequency.
        The current password expiration frequency setting.
      • isStandardAuthAllowed

        boolean isStandardAuthAllowed()
        Returns whether the user is allowed to login using standard authentication.
        True if the user is allowed to login using standard authentication, false otherwise.
      • setStandardAuthAllowed

        void setStandardAuthAllowed​(boolean isAllowed)
        Sets whether a user is allowed to login using standard authentication.
        isAllowed - True if the user is allowed to log in using standard authentication, false otherwise.
      • setPasswordExpirationFrequency

        void setPasswordExpirationFrequency​(int freq)
        Sets the password expiration frequency for this user.
        freq - The new password expiration frequency for the user.