Interface WebDrillInstance

  • public interface WebDrillInstance
    This interface should be used to drill on a report. A drill instance can be used to access the drilling related related functionalities corresponding to a WebReportInstance. A WebDrillInstance can be obtained from a report instance using WebViewInstance.getDrillInstance(). Using a drill instance one can create drill actions(can be nested) and drill on a report (or just on a template unit within the report) and execute the drill action on IServer. Alternatively, one can ask the drill instance to load drill actions using a selected drill path and submit drill action on IServer corresponding to it.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Detail

      • drill

        WebReportInstance drill​(java.lang.String drillXML)
                         throws WebObjectsException
        Drills on the base report instance using the drillXML and returns the report instance thus generated.
        drillXML - The XML to be used for drilling.
        A WebReportInstance object.
        WebObjectsException - If the Intellingence Server encountered problems in drilling on the report using the properties set on this object.
      • setDrillTemplateUnit

        void setDrillTemplateUnit​(WebTemplateUnit wtu)
        Sets the template unit from where to drill on the base report instance.
        wtu - The WebTemplateUnit from where to drill.
      • setDrillTemplateUnit

        void setDrillTemplateUnit​(int axis,
                                  int position)
        Sets the template unit from where to drill on the base report instance.
        axis - The Axis on which the WebTemplateUnit, from where to drill. lies. Possible enumerations are listed in EnumDSSXMLAxisName
        position - The position of the WebTemplateUnit, from where to drill.
      • setFilterOnPageBy

        void setFilterOnPageBy​(boolean filterOnPageBy)
        Sets the filterOnPageBy property, which specifies whether during drilling, the user wants to filter on the page by elements too.
        filterOnPageBy - the boolean value for filterOnPageBy to be set.
      • getFilterOnPageBy

        boolean getFilterOnPageBy()
        Returns the filterOnPageBy property, which specifies whether during drilling, the user wants to filter on the page by elements too.
        the boolean value for filterOnPageBy.
      • getBaseInstance

        WebReportInstance getBaseInstance()
        Returns the base report instance.
        The original WebReportInstance object that created this WebDrillInstance object.
      • getDrillXML

        java.lang.String getDrillXML()
                              throws WebObjectsException
        Returns the drill XML represented by the current state of this object.
        the current drill XML.
        WebObjectsException - thrown by some drill action classes if adequate arguments are not provided e.g. WebNewObjectDrillAction if the target object is not set.
      • loadActionsFromDrillPath

        void loadActionsFromDrillPath​(int drillPathID)
                               throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
        Creates and populates drill actions for this drill instance using the drill path ID passed. If a drill template unit is already set on the drill instance it will search across the drill paths corresponding to that template unit. If no template unit is set, it will search on the drill paths for the report(drill path for a report or report-level drill path uses the entire report as source template unit).
        drillPathID - the drill path ID.
        WebObjectsException - if the Intelligence Server encounters an error in getting the drill paths.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if there is no drill path with ID passed.
      • loadActionsFromDrillPath

        void loadActionsFromDrillPath​(WebDrillPath drillPath)
        Creates and populates drill actions for this drill instance, using the drill path object passed.
        drillPath - WebDrillPath object.