Interface WebDefaultDisplaySettings

  • public interface WebDefaultDisplaySettings
    This interface is used to set the settings for default highlighting and default selection within the display XML.

    The algorithm for default highlighting is as follows: (1)starting at the available display units collection, if nothing is highlighted, then the first item in the collection will be highlighted. (2) For every object which is then highlighted in the available display units collection, the algorithm in (1) is applied (if nothing is highlighted, then highlight the first item), followed by applying (2) to every object in that collection which is highlighted.

    Default selection causes the elements in any elements collection within the filter to be marked as selected if they also exist in the display section of the display XML.

    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Detail

      • useDefaultHighlighting

        boolean useDefaultHighlighting()
        Returns whether default highlighting is enabled. By default, it is turned off.
        True if default highlighting is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setUseDefaultHighlighting

        void setUseDefaultHighlighting​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether default highlighting should be enabled. By default, it is turned off.
        enabled - Whether the default highlighting should be enabled.
      • useDefaultSelection

        boolean useDefaultSelection()
        Returns whether default selection is enabled. By default, it is disabled.
        True if default highlighting is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setUseDefaultSelection

        void setUseDefaultSelection​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether default selection should be enabled. By default, it is turned off.
        enabled - Whether the default selection should be enabled.
      • useDetailedHighlighting

        boolean useDetailedHighlighting()
        Returns whether any default highlighting performed will be detailed. By default, this is true, but this property will only have an effect if default highlighting is enabled.
        Whether the default highlighting will be detailed.
      • setUseDetailedHighlighting

        void setUseDetailedHighlighting​(boolean detailed)
        Sets whether any default highlighting performed should be detailed. This will only have an effect if the default highlighting is enabled.
        detailed - Whether objects highlighted by the default highlighting algorithm will contain details.
      • getElementSource

        WebElementSource getElementSource()
        This method can be used to obtain the element source which will be used to fetch elements in the case that detailed default highlighting causes an attribute to become detailed(which requires the elements of the attribute). Any settings changed on this object will be honored when fetching elements for an attribute affected by the default highlighting algorithm.
        A WebElementSource object which can be used to set the settings to use when fetching elements of an attribute which is highlighted by the default highlighting.