Interface ShortcutListElement

    • Method Detail

      • setShortcutList

        void setShortcutList​(ShortcutList _config)
        Set the ShortcutList instance to be rendered by this element
        _config - ShortcutList instance to be rendered by this GUI element.
      • getShortcutList

        ShortcutList getShortcutList()
        Get the ShortcutList instance to be rendered by this element
        the current ShortcutList instance associated with this element
      • setIncludeSubItems

        void setIncludeSubItems​(boolean value)
        Set the flag value that indicates whether the HTML should include the subitems content when this element is rendered.
        value - boolean true if shortcut should include it automatically.
      • isIncludeSubItems

        boolean isIncludeSubItems()
        Get the flag value that indicates whether the HTML should include the subitems content when this element is rendered.
        boolean true if subitems content will be included when the element is rendered.
      • setShowPrefixElements

        void setShowPrefixElements​(boolean value)
        Set the boolean flag value that indicates whether there are children elements maked as "Prefix" that should be included in the output as such.
        value - boolean true if these children should be rendered.
      • isShowPrefixElements

        boolean isShowPrefixElements()
        Indicates whether there are children elements maked as "Prefix" that should be included in the output as such.
        boolean true if children marked as "Prefix" are included when the element is rendered.
      • setShowSuffixElements

        void setShowSuffixElements​(boolean showSuffixElements)
        Set the boolean flag value that indicates whether there are children elements maked as "Suffix" that should be included in the output as such.
        showSuffixElements - boolean value indicating if these children should be rendered.
      • isShowSuffixElements

        boolean isShowSuffixElements()
        Indicates whether there are children elements maked as "Suffix" that should be included in the output as such.
        boolean true if children marked as "Suffix" are included when the element is rendered.
      • setGroupCss

        void setGroupCss​(java.lang.String name)
        Set the css class for the main div that contains the ShortcutList.
        name - the new css class to use. By default the value is "group:
      • getGroupCss

        java.lang.String getGroupCss()
        Get the css class for the main div that contains the ShortcutList.
        the current css class for the main div that contains the ShortcutList.
      • setId

        void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Set the id for the main div that contains the ShortcutList.
        id - String value with the identifier for the instance.
      • getId

        java.lang.String getId()
        Get the id for the main div that contains the ShortcutList.
        the current id for the main div that contains the ShortcutList. If an id has not been set it uses the name of the associated ShortcutList