MicroStrategy ONE

Parameter Builder Classes

There are three interface classes in the parameter builder infrastructure.

  • ParameterBuilder

    Responsible for building URLs and hidden inputs for forms  

  • AbstractParameterBuilder

    Responsible for collecting all the name/value parameter pairs and target-related components (targetPrefix, targetBase, and TargetSuffix) in protected data members. It stores all of the information supplied to it, but is unable to convert it to a string.  

  • AbstractConfigurableParameterBuilder
    Responsible for ensuring that the parameters specified in an external properties file are persisted from the request to every form and URL input built by MicroStrategy Web.

There are two major  implementation classes in the parameter builder infrastructure.

  • DefaultURIBuilderImpl

    Responsible for constructing a string that is used to create values that are persisted in the URL.  

  • DefaultHiddenInputBuilderImpl

    Responsible for constructing a string that is used to create hidden inputs that are passed in forms.