MicroStrategy ONE

Invalidating the Caches of a Project

The sample code below illustrates how to invalidate all the report cache which belongs to a particular project.

 // create a WebObjectsFactory instance

 WebObjectsFactory factory = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();


 // Get the cache source object

 CacheSource source = (CacheSource) factory.getMonitorSource(EnumWebMonitorType.WebMonitorTypeCache);


 // Obtain the cache manipulator object

 CacheManipulator cacheManipulator = source.getManipulator();

 String projectDSSID = "[project DSSID]";


 // Create a monitor filter object to add a condition that we will delete caches of the project

 // of the specified project DSSID

 MonitorFilter filter = cacheManipulator.newMonitorFilter();

 filter.add(EnumDSSXMLCacheInfo.DssXmlCacheInfoProjectGuid, EnumDSSXMLMonitorFilterOperator.DssXmlEqual, projectDSSID);


 // Add a batch operation to invalidate caches of the specified project

 cacheManipulator.addManipualtionTask(projectDSSID, EnumDSSXMLCacheAdminAction.DssXmlInvalidateCache, filter);


 try {

      // Sends the request to Intelligence Server to retrieve cache information


 } catch (WebObjectsAdminException woae) {


 } catch (MonitorManipulationException mme) {

          // We have cache manipulation failure, so we display the error

          MonitorManipulationFailure[] mmf = mme.getFailures();

