MicroStrategy ONE


This is the base class for the Report Transforms that generate some sort of representation of the report's data, either as grid, as a graph or as a grid-graph.

It provides a place holder for common methods and formal parameters. In particular, the report's incremental fetch functionality links are generated in this class by the following methods:

  • renderRowsIncrementalFetch()  

  • renderColumnIncrementalFetchNext()  

  • renderColumnIncrementalFetchPrevious()

This transform implements LayoutTransform, which means that a layout definition file can be used to customize its output. Through the layout definition file, you can call the different render methods to specify the data to display as well as the order in which the different elements will be rendered.

For detailed information on how to customize the rendering of the report grid, refer to the Rendering the Report Grid section

See also: