MicroStrategy ONE

Best Practices for Customizing Prompts

The following practices ensure that your prompt customizations are performed in an efficient manner and reduce the overhead when upgrading MicroStrategy Web.

  • Be familiar with the Block Infrastructure and Prompt Architecture so you understand which components need to be customized to achieve your customization.
  • Use the Block Finder to analyze the properties associated with the block. The Block Finder is an easy-to-use, intuitive tool that locates blocks used for rendering prompts and displays their block properties.
  • Do not modify out-of-the-box blocks. To create a custom block, inherit from an existing block in the Block Library and modify its block properties.
  • Block properties should be modified using server-side Layout definition files.
  • Location of custom client-side layout definition files should be specified in a block by using the following syntax: @pluginName:[path to the client-side layout definition file]. For example, @MyPlugin: mstr.layouts.listBrowser syntax gets resolved on the client-side as plugins/MyPlugin/WEB-INF/xml/layoutsCS/mstr/layouts/listBrowser folder.
  • Global customizations for the Prompt page (that do not require information from individual prompt or involve individual prompts) should be performed on the PromptEditor (view block) and ReportInstanceModel (model block).
  • Customizations for individual prompt should be performed on the blocks used for rendering that specific prompt; not on the PromptEditor (view block) and ReportInstanceModel (model block). See View Blocks for Different Types of Prompts for information on blocks used for rendering different prompt styles.

See also: